

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a skin procedure that involves using a sharp tool to exfoliate the surface of your skin, while also removing small, fine hairs.

What Are the Benefits?

Dermaplaning’s purpose is to give your skin an immediate exfoliation for a luminous glow that last weeks. The benefits are dewy skin, faster cell turnover, and a smoother texture. We also recommend dermaplaning to anyone who is about to undergo a laser treatment or deep chemical peel, to allow the products to penetrate more deeply into the skin. Plus, the light shaving motion gets rid of little facial hairs while it exfoliates.

Who Can Benefit?

Anyone who has unwanted facial hair and anyone who wants exfoliation can benefit. Dermaplaning is also great for pregnant women or those with super-sensitive skin since they can’t use certain products and exfoliating treatments. It’s an alternative way to lightly resurface the skin.

Dermaplaning vs. Dermabrasion

Dermaplaning is not in any way similar to dermabrasion, which is a mechanical exfoliation that uses micro-crystals and suctioning to exfoliate. Dermabrasion is actually rarely done now, because of complications like infections and scarring. Dermaplaning, on the other hand, is, quick, easy, and requires no downtime.

Does It Hurt?

Dermaplaning is virtually painless. The only possible side effect is slight redness, which fades almost immediately.

How Much Does It Cost?

Dermaplaning prices range from $80 to $150. We offer it with chemical peels or facials because it allows products to sink deeper into the skin with the aim of quicker or better results.

Request a Consultation

Please fill out our contact form so that we can schedule your consultation right away.